Crescent Nebula over Malibu, CA (in H-alpha)

Here is a shot of the Crescent Nebula with the new camera. It was a single shot through a H-alpha (red) filter. There continue to be challenges during these sessions as I learn the new gear, but I was pleased to see that things continue to get better and better.

Unlike my last session, I figured out how to get the autoguider working. The answer… use the correct cable. This wasn’t my fault – rather the store sold me the wrong cable. Ok – so that problem is fixed. Still there are guiding problems that I’m not sure what to do to fix. Maybe flexure.

The next problem related to some problems with the dark frames. Again, I don’t know what happened, but there were artifacts all over the calibrated image. So this image isn’t using the darks. Next time I’ll shoot a fresh batch.

Shot with QSI 583, Takahashi FSQ-106N, Losmandy G11, SBIG STV guiding, etc. Diggin’ it!

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